Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Random Questions

Why does sunscreen make my eyebrows burn? Why do I have to battle wrinkles AND pimples...I thought I would be done with one before having to deal with the other. Why does it bug me so badly when people misspell things or use poor grammar? Why do I zero in on it EVERY TIME? Am I the only one who looks at little kids and predicts their future as the "cheerleader," the "bossy student council president," the "band geek," et cetera? Why does each of the previous make me roll my eyes and hope no one tags my kid as one (knowing full well they probably will?) In the long run, is it worse to be the bully or the bullied? Am I horrible because I want ex-boyfriends and ex-friends to be disappointed that I ended up so happy? Is it way too judgemental to assume a socioeconomic standard by the amount of pedestrians in an area? What genius plans roads and the timing of streetlights? Am I sick because I really want better footage of President Kennedy's assasination? Because I still remember the footage of Columbine where the kids ran past a body and I couldn't look away? Do I have to become my mother, who became my grandma, who morphed into my Nana? Would I become a snotrag if I suddenly had a lot of money? Is it terrible that I call my kids "dink" when they do something stupid? Why on earth are there still Facebook holdouts? Who killed Jon Benet? Does anyone have all the answers?

Monday, January 26, 2009

What is bugging me today

So today my biggest peeve is me. I know I have so much to do but I really do not want to do any of it. Laundry? Who can tell if the kids are wearing dirty clothes? They get them dirty as soon as they put them on anyway, right? At least that is the feeling I get when I look at all the laundry they produce. Inside out socks make me nutso and I know there are about a million of them just waiting for me down in the dungeon...uh, I mean basement. That is not a motivator. Dishes? I have to do them EVERY day. Where is the fun in that? Nothing new, nothing special. Well, unless you count the occasional cup that has been through the dishwasher cycle three times in an attempt to get the sludge out. Whoo Hoo. They call to me - those disgusting dishes in the disgusting kitchen. I feel them staring at me; imploring me to come and take care of the stick and slime. I can't cook around them. I HAVE to do them before I can cook. That is why lunch is usually something that can travel out of the kitchen in a box or on a paper plate. Shower? Is it really necessary to shower every day? Why does it seem to take so much effort? I am pretty sure that it didn't cost so much effort when I did do it every get up and go outside the house to work. Work? Really? In between procrastinating the laundry, dishes and shower? Oh yeah and feeding the kids and changing diapers? Because there are days when I just leave them in their jammies and don't bother to entertain them with much besides endless hours of cartoon drivel. Yeah, that is most days. Dinner? My most favorite thing in the whole world is cooking. NOT. I hate spending so much of my precious time on something that is inevitably going to be underappreciated by the short crowd, not taste like something that came from a restaurant (which would have been much easier and less time consuming) and creates more damn dishes for tomorrow's procrastination. Another great motivator. Well, I hear the damn dryer buzzer calling me for the tenth time, the clean dishes need to be rescued from the dishwasher, a kid needs a diaper change, the other one just smashed a blueberry into the carpet and dinner needs to be created so I guess I had better stop whining and get on it. Maybe tomorrow there will be someone who bugs me more than me.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Today's peeve

My mother never misses an opportunity to tell me that I should not have more children. I will be 37 years old this year. I know she will always be my mother, and therefore I will always be her baby, but this is taking age and experience a bit far. If anyone on earth had ever told HER not to have more kids or suggested she stop having kids I would have continuously heard about it as a felony my entire life. I must grin and bear it. I must grin and bear it. I must grin and bear it. Sheesh!