Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hey, check out this link! You could enter to win an ERGO babycarrier!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can I get some FALL please? 92 degrees on the 28th of September is not my idea of autumn. C'mon Mother Nature, I need to give my AC a rest!

Other people's kids.

I dislike them. Some more than others. Hate might not be too strong a word in some instances. Abhor? Detest? I should never babysit because I am not good at it - really, really not good at it. Unfortunately, I am also not good at saying no to the parents off these kids who remind me of every bully I ever suffered in school. And it irritates me to no end that a smart mouthed, bratty six year old can drag me down to his level in about a nano second. Naturally, these are the kids that MY kids want to emulate, that MY kids want to be best friends with. And if I can't even get around my anger and astonishment at what these kids do and say, how in the everlasting hell am I going to be able to teach my KIDS to deal with them?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back at it...

Been too long since I posted. Don't be surprised if it's a bunch of one liners for a while!